STAR   Delftsestraat 27, 3013AE Rotterdam
The Re-Creation of the European City. Europe  
The Re-Creation of the European City. Urban Shopping List for Secondary Cities-. Strong competition among cities in Europe has started. The battlefield has widened from the national to the international stage. This process of global integration is reorienting the political, social, and economical urbanism. It generates the need in these cities for incorporating certain elements that directly define the European City of today. They seek for identity.The aim is to establish relations between the cities, based on communication and representation, to belong to the spatial structure of corporations, and to create public initiatives to attract foreign investment and tourism. A beautiful square or an impressive cathedral are not enough for a city today.To be recognized as a European 21st Century City a big portfolio needs to be assembled.This will address strategies of city developers and multinational companies rather than rules of architects