EveryVille Competition by La Biennale di Venezia -  project 1 of 40
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Chao Lun Wang (CANADA)
Space without Place
Since the dawn of modernity, the world has been moving towards a network where places are plugged in. Files are accessed across the globe; people are monitored from kilometers above. The physical and psychological boundaries of the “place” is diminishing while its characters are becoming more monotonous in the process of global standardization. Meanwhile, our senses become numb, and the consolidation of a place in our memory becomes impossible. How can we stimulate our sensory memory has become the primary goal of the age. One traditional process is through borrowed spaces, as gardens often replicate wonders of the world through reduction and deformation. But my project connects the people in a confined space to an infinite network through a full register of senses. The senses maybe products of the network, but if we believe them to be real and let them consolidate within us to shape our identity, then is there still any difference between the virtual and the real?