Solar Park South - International Online -  project 32 of 201  
EA281206 page 2 (page 1)
erik ohanyan (armenia)
An important technical-economical peculiarity of the offer being suggested is that we preserve and implement what exists, just it is repaired and completed with new technical devices.
It has become a place of getting energy from restorative sources, the essence of which is in water circulation. By the help of special pumps the sea water is lifted and thrown into the tunnels by using the energy of the sun and the wind. Then the water inside the tunnels flows to the viaducts and falling down from there it goes back to the sea. During the fall, using the water power, right like in hydroelectric stations, electrical energy is produced.
The road which used to be a chain of tunnels and viaducts, has now become a chain of reservoirs and waterfalls.
Thus, a certain complex structure is built, which is an artificial waterfall connected with the environmental nature on one hand and a source of ecologically pure and well off electrical energy on the other hand.