EveryVille Competition by La Biennale di Venezia -  project 103 of 195  
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Jennifer Couch (UNITED STATES), Cathryn Kozar (UNITED STATES)
The architect's responsibility is to establish a framework based upon a grid structured by multiples of 3 meters. The height of each rod is determined by the distance it stands from adjacent rods. Heights span from a minimum of 5 meters to a maximum of 8 meters. Each rod holds units that can be moved along the length of the rod. Members of the community then have the freedom to move the rods and units to create a space that meet their needs. The grid and units may be manipulated in response to environmental qualities that include noise pollution, light pollution, precipitation patterns, wind direction, and sun angles throughout the year. The adaptability and flexibility of the design provides the opportunity for the installations to infill isolated or abandoned urban areas throughout any city. As a community changes over time, the web of installations will blanket the city providing a stronger sense of unity and a unique identity to the city.