EveryVille Competition by La Biennale di Venezia -  project 195 of 195  
ZLM page 2 (page 1)
Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi (ITALIA)
As a new border, the new circular city has a ring-shaped car park surrounding the city-building at the floors underneath; here some pedestrian promenades develop and rise by covering several levels, thus ensuring the homogenous functions of the apparatus trade. One of these paths, foreseen for art exhibitions, passes through the whole commercial building like a continuous “empty” element, becoming a realistic “museum of the hyper-consumism”.
At the lowest level, the light metropolitan and railroad stations are designed tangent to the circumference, while the inner part of the floor is designed as warehouses for the upper levels’ stores. The main aim is to obtain a complete split between flows of goods, private cars and public transports.