Solar Park South - International Online -  project 162 of 201  
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mariaclaudia di costanzo (italy), annibale di muro (italy)
Naturinfesta is an advanced technological park which allows one to follow the evolution of a landscape from its degraded state to one that is non-conventional use. This evolution is due to the need for infrastructure. The spaces that have been constructed and not made use of by man were reacquired by “inhabitants” that were more attentive to the balance inherent to the ecosystem. The project is centred on the relationship concerning identity_contradiction between the natural and the modified landscape. This relationship consists of renewals in which every component that has acquired new meanings also takes on another connotation. The ants are emblematic of the human community which is organized and cooperative and also represent infesting insects. They reacquire abbandoned areas and transform them into living spaces in which there can coexist the social and productive aspects essential for both the survival of species inhabiting the earth.