DECOI   65 rue du fbg st.denis - 75010 paris
paramorph (gateway) south bank 1999 london - - selected  
the gateway to the south bank is a sort of trapping device, both in the sense that its form derives from the capture of a sound trace, and that it serves as a vessel to register the movement and sound of people passing through it. such trappings will be used to create soundscapes and lightscapes which will play across the stretched surfaces of the form. formally it has been developed as a paramorph - an element which, whilst keeping the same base characteristics, adopts different form(s), in this case being formally constrained in being describable using ruled surfaces. design: mark goulthorpe, gabriele evangelisti, gaspard giroud, felix robbins. parametric: mark burry + greg more, grant dunlop, andrew maher. mathematical: alex scott. engineer: david glover ovearup&p.