BIG   Norrebrogade 66 D, 2200 Copenahgen N, Denmark
LEGO Towers Copenhagen, Denmark - invited  
When asked to do a dense mixed use development comprising parking, retail, offices and housing into a single super dense development of a rather small but central site, we knew that the program could not fit in a generic perimeter block. We knew that we once again had to step in to the minefield of public tower phobia. Once again comparing the popular spires to the modern monoliths, we attempted to diagnose the demise of the Copenhagen high-rise. We decided to turn the project into an homage of the modular building industry. We thus decided to cover the entire site with the favourite module of the building industry: 3,60 m x 3,60 m. Rather than designing with a composition of built volumes, we considered the site an elastic malleable substance, defined by zones of varying density.