X-TERN   via Haller 20, 39012 merano (bz)-italy
X-48 [TALKING PAVEMENT] Merano (BZ), Italy, 2014-2016  
Refurbishment of upper Piazza Duomo in Merano, South Tyrol, Italy_ Piazza Duomo is one of the most ancient public spaces of Merano, South Tyrol, northern Italy. This area surrounding the Church of St. Nicholas (in German: “Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus”), the parish church of the town, has in fact played an important role in Merano's life, hosting gatherings and a market, since the building of the main church in the XIII and its later expansion and completion during the XIV and XV centuries. It is located at the eastern end of the “Portici” arcade (Lauben in German), very close to the Steinach neighbourhood, the ancient heart and first “cradle” of the town. The square has a peculiar and non-regular shape, a not uncommon circumstance in Middle Ages, when a piazza was often simply an enlargement of the conjunction of two or more streets in the middle of a thick urban pattern. _ Photo credits: © 2016 X-TERN architects+urban planners