Ubic© is a permeable, regular and compressed place composed by big-bags made of opalescent plastic, at some distance from each other, displaced according to a grid of three for five elements, open on different sides. The big-bags, hanging, contain people or objects of the living and oblige the visitor to ‘strollÂ’ into them to observe and modify the space. The walls and the flooring made of plastic are lighted from the back. The idea of Ubic© is to convey instability and precariousness of the place. The space for people, which is absent at first because of the soft plastic parallelepipeds, can be recomposed with extreme flexibility. The spaces reproducible in the container are numberless. The plastic module, the lowest common denominator, of the volume in project contains, compresses, moves; it is at the same time secret place and part of a whole; it can combine private reality and public dimension. |