Our world is more and more characterised by systems of connections and virtual interactions (virtual nets, optics fiber, wireless nets, gpsÂ…) which occupy and modify our spaces and our ways of living.
The installation that we propose metaphorically shows a space in which the dimension is exclusively determined by the external connections that come inside, which are symbolically realized by spaghetti.
The environment evokes nowhere, notime; our body claustrophobically wrapped by these edible threads crossed by coloured lights, will have, as only point of reference, the screen which will project cinema images of the common places of Italy (E.g. Mattoli M. Miseria e nobiltà, 1954, with Totò, Antonio De Curtis).
The installation has a planned obsolescence consistent with the foreseen use and is totally recyclable or reusable (at the end of the exhibition itÂ’s possible to have a great spaghetti meal!)