EveryVille Competition by La Biennale di Venezia -  project 9 of 195  
3PA_01 page 2 (page 1)
Antonello Colaps (ITALIA), Cosimo Di Giacomo (ITALIA), Angelo Castucci (ITALIA), CARMELA IACOBELLI (ITALIA), gianpaolo foschini (ITALIA), Stefano Piedimonte (ITALIA)
Bits and Views
The Forum is the answer to the obtrusiveness of the malls as public spaces and it’s a statement of what belongs to the city. The Basilica works as a receptacle of those needs created by malls and it does that no longer in city margins, but in the new city core, i.e. the Forum. Places dedicated to spare time are easily accessible and shaped upon the contemporary idea of entertainment. Buildings such as the airport and the beltway respond not only to a functional need (which would only produce trash and marginal areas). The airport will be our "Gate" and it will be placed centrally and in direct link with the Forum. The beltway and other fast ways will "drag" properly equipped and easily accessible green areas all around and below it. Lastly, the identity, traditionally represented by monuments, will be the Everyville sign, which will be located on the Vesuvius mountainside, mocking the Hollywood sign which has become the authentic monument of the contemporary age.