EveryVille Competition by La Biennale di Venezia -  project 30 of 195  
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The point is to find a means to give Everyville a method, a way of working more than a traditionnal building. That is why materials in this project have only a few imortance. Uborg is an urban organ that dematerializes the idea of a town by dividing it in different units and giving the possibility to every inhabitants or visitors to keep his own independance, but also the feeling to be an active part of the community. I call this process urban pixellisation because pixel is the simple unit that allows to create an inifinity of combination.To give Everyville an identity I consider it as an agregate rather than a whole.The point is also to create a moving place where everyone can meet, a changing place which is different each time and yet remains recognizable. Therefore Uborg project is either elusive and dynamic. By its disquieting appearance uborg is also here to provoke a questionning about the future, about the way to think the town.