Solar Park South - International Online -  project 171 of 201  
LANd'ARK page 2 (page 1)
marina di guida (italy), libera amenta (italy), paolo de martino (italy)
Project idea is to intensify the internal Costa Viola connection between Scilla and Bagnara, creating a path to sustainable environmental and energy but also of practicality. For this reason,next to the road traffic, (which takes place in the north-south lane) we propose an electric public transport powered by a hydrogen fuel cell that runs along the north-south lane like a Violet Line, flanked by a pedestrian and cycle path in the park and rest areas.This is a thematic path in fact along the viaducts we have the real production of energy through wind turbines that serve as lighting and photovoltaic panels;they’re placed on the canopy that shades the electric train and it’s connected to the lifts for the conncection to the valley.Inside tunnels there are some laboratories where produced energy is transformated.The estimated cost is around 160 million euros, but it can be retrieved with the whole steady system designed in about 15 years .