Solar Park South - International Online -  project 98 of 201  
Accadimento Team page 2 (page 1)
carlos campos (argentina), yamila zynda aiub (argentina)
Viadotto della Signora: Solar, Aeolic & Sound Renewable Energy Sculptures. Information and Research Center.
Viadotto Feliciusu: A new constellation on the Fiumara sky.
Aeolic Needles: 200 poles collecting Aeolic Energy through micro-motors, transforming it into LED light at night. People can activate them using cell phones.
A new Lighthouse for the Stretto di Messina.
Solar Para-gliders: Over Viadotto Favazzina, GPS guided Automatic devices, collect solar energy. Flying in different constellations, they captivate visitors. At night, bright spheres as starlight glow in the sky.

The New market: Viadotto Costa Viola.
720 meters long white bright roof. A new engine for local Economy renewal.
Minor Bridges: Green Houses, perfumes of typical Italian cultivations, panorama views, cycling, a meeting with nature and the fruits of Italian earth.
Every bridge will be protected from wind, rain or mist, with a glass roof.