Solar Park South - International Online -  project 160 of 201  
Agustin Perez Torres page 2 (page 1)
agustin perez torres (netherlands)
As never before in History, the main reason to protect these ‘aged’ infrastructural elements is to encourage the future. But the scale and potential of these elements is such that they can only respond to their request with an enormous ambition if we want them to succeed.

The necessary steps to execute this pioneering environment are not related with design strategies. It must work as slow-motion process, inviting organizations of all kinds and energy-research companies in agreement with local governments. A sustainable process analogous to environmental models can only make Energy come first.

Soon after the first demonstrations and energy manifestations, and with the media-sized proportions of these viaducts and tunnels, the first uninvited will urge for a chance to join and a strip of intense and increasing activity will take place. As times passes, results and locations will become one single landscape.

The culmination, still unknown, is well worth the effort.