Solar Park South - International Online -  project 129 of 201  
JPN page 2 (page 1)
joão paulouro neves (portugal)
The park follows a modular construction approach starting with an array of new public lighting fixtures dotted along the coastline and a central bioreactor hanging garden on Favazzina viaduct, a true eco-lighthouse for the region.
The chief socio-economic gains take place upon the decommissioned highway where horizontal algae bioreactors are installed on the road and viaducts, whilst research laboratories are built inside the numerous tunnels where a more controlled environment for the study of algae can take place. Responsible tourism is encouraged through the conversion of specific tunnels into algae spas and baths, information centers, as well as a public walk over the Favazzina viaduct: the centre point of a new ecosystem of hanging algae gardens and horizontal bioreactors, where at night, one can gaze out onto the unique flickering green lights of the algae street lamps linking the park, Bagnara, Favazzina, and Scilla as one unique performative solar garden.