Solar Park South - International Online -  project 89 of 201  
Studio SPS page 1 (page 2)
joana guerra (portugal)
The Objective:landscape integration

The concept:the land line
One platform develops above and below the ground line - this makes a strong link between two elements:earth and air.

The idea:
-Carriageway(south-north)- will be created a space for research and testing the production of energy using renewable sources and a pedestrian and bicycle paths.

Bioclimatic principles/Sustainable:
-Carriageway (S-N):
-south facing platform:photovoltaic panels.
-following on the pillars of the existing bridges:wind generator.
-below the ground line:water/snow storage tanks, towards a future reuse +spaces to agriculture stimulating local production.
-above the ground line: green spaces and different viewpoints.This permeable spaces are covered by the structure, creating shadows.

-Carriageway(N-S):re-surfacing with the introduction of stone pavement, thus reducing the rate charged by drivers, in addition to speed bumps and speed limit signs.