Penezic&Rogina architects   A.BAUERA 8, 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA
A STYLE FOR THE YEAR 2001 Tokyo 1984 - first prize  
Confusion reigns in many fields as the twentieth century draws to a close. Now that there are only sixteen years left before the year 2000, we cannot help wondering what new style will emerge to exert on the twenty-first century the kind of influence that such outstanding projects as Le Corbusier's Dom-Ino Houses and Mies van der Rohe's glass skyscrapers had on the twentieth. Though the future is difficult to determine, we are now at a point in time when we must be curious about the way we will spend the years remaining in this century and how we will develop during the first years of the coming one. Though cautious sincerity has its place, perhaps in this instance bold forecasts covering a wide spectrum of fields are more in order. The goal of this competition is to elicit projects that make stimulating and valuable forecasts for the style of the future.