FAR frohn&rojas   Venloer Str. 601 – 603, A 903, 50827 Köln, Germany
House in Heat (under construction) Rancagua, Chile  
While we find ourselves amidst an accelerating arms race in the material and technological battle for energy efficiency, little thought seems to be put into the question of how temperature shapes our ways of inhabiting space. House in Heat uses temperature to actually organize space. ‘Heat pockets’ located within the thickened A-frame roof contain all heating sources of the house and register their daily cycle through subtle color changes on the heat-sensitive façade. The remaining open space can be fully exposed to the outside and spills its floor surface into the garden. Through the use of PCM and heating/cooling pipes this floor surface is locally tempered to accommodate for different activities to take place along its carved out edges during varying times of day and year.