Giulia Pecchini   via f.lli Grimm 8, S. Ilario d'Enza (RE)
GARDEN IS BUT ANOTHER NAME FOR HEALTH Allariz, Galicia - first prize  
The project was conceived starting from the three elements that make-up a therapeutic garden: people, nature and the time spent in the place. It was designed to be accessible to all kind of users: those who want to take a walk in the garden, those who want to learn about plants and maybe take a few springs with them to use at home; those who want simply to relax and sit by the stretch of water on the wooden benches or take one of the movable chairs and place it where it suits them best. Nature, the plants that are scattered throughout the garden, are a mix of essences that allow adults and children to touch, smell and observe. We would like garden visitors not only to perceive the sense of calm and interaction with nature, but to realize how important their contribution is in making the garden grow. Everyone is welcome and can learn and relax, walk around and isolate themselves from the sorrounding world, if only for a while.