ul. Woźna 11/4 Poznań
House in Warta valley
This house is situated in a small village full of fences, small barns and sheds which were the inspirations for this house. We were inspirited also by light that penetrates through them, their material and colour. The house itself comprises three parts aligned parallel to the road. The first one is low, featuring elements of technical structure. The second, high zone comprises circulation spaces. Due to its height it serves as a natural buffer protecting the interiors against road noise, also ensuring convenient access to all rooms of the building. The third zone is a living area, with day rooms downstairs and bedrooms upstairs, all arranged in such a way so as to ensure that each room has a view south over the Warta river. Sizeable outside shutters protect the house against strong sunlight. According Polish tradition the house will be complemented by an orchard.