Ljeska 90
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BICI UNO, coat hanger
Belgrade, Serbia - invited
BICI UNO, coat hanger * http://antipodstudio.com/Products/BiciUno/tabid/80/Default.aspx * http://www.redesignyourmind.org/RYM-3.htm * http://www.treehugger.com/galleries/2010/02/imaginative-sustainable-takes-by-serbian-artists-on-everyday-objects.php?page=3 * A coat rack made out of old bicycle parts by Antipod Studio turns an everyday object, something "you pass by, use, but rarely notice or talk about," into a conversation piece. * The bicycle is something we all remember and know, an object which brings happiness, a personal object which one easily adapts to oneself, one’s ergonomy, way of use… The coathanger is, on the other hand, a well known object to more people than the bicycle, but it doesn’t bring nearly as much excitement. A thing which you pass by, use, rarely notice, or talk about… It is interesting to put them together / discarded bicycle parts and a vertical bar with a crossed stand.