Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 2-4 D-50672 Cologne, Germany

FRABA Sp. z o.o.
ul. Wojska Polskiego 69-100 Slubice - selected
037_FRABA Sp. z o.o. (industrial building, completed 2006)
As a non-hierarchical, uniformed, and flexible space FRABA Sp.z o.o. is a metageneric production plant.
The building is a manufacturing facility prototype for an automation components company. The structural system is a light weight timber structure with a 52m ø 60°solid web beam grid. It rests on 19 17cm ø stressed steel tube columns with a clear span of 9,70m. The shell is made of prefabricated insulated plywood elements, 14% of the roof is covered with triangular skylight domes. The top surface is aluminium coated bituminous roofing membrane. Gross floor area is 2069 m2. Skylights are specifically designed for perfect daylight assembly conditions and avoid heat gains during the summer. The cylinder is an optimized box.
(BeL Anne-Julchen Bernhardt, Jörg Leeser, Eveline Jürgens; Arup Poland; A.W. Polak) Photo © Marc Räder