Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin
Commerce and Service-Centre - 8300mq
The immediate surroundings of the high-grade commerce and service-centre are characterized by the dense and heterogenic urban structure of the neighbouring industrial and commercial enterprises. The structural concept for the open spaces develops four distinct types of open space which respectively develop from the given urban design. Along the central arterial road exists a broad strip of green space which is continued along the sites edges as a park-strip with solitary trees and generous lawn and meadow areas. The park-like effect is highlighted by the modelling of the topography which at the same time allows planting of trees on the underground parking-garages. The streets between the buildings are designed as a boulevard spanning its even surface from one façade to the other. The central locations on the site are conceived as squares. Representative fountains and a grove accentuate these spaces.
Architecture: Seifert Planung
Architecture: Seifert Planung