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Collaging continuity
Collaging Continuity conceives a sequence of believable urban experiences where the built “holds” the void creating highly solid and integrated public spaces. This approach will enchain a very wide range of activities and places in a narrative of richness, maximising the interchanges and balancing between a community habitat and a space open to the city. A 12m wide building spine crosses the site North-South, hosting at the upper floors different types of housing program, offices, hotel; commerce, shared or public spaces on the ground. Collaging continuity, propone una sequenza di vuoti integrati in una narrativa spaziale e programmatica generosa. Ogni volta che il costruito si “piega” definisce un’esperienza differente, creando equilibrio tra lo spazio pubblico aperto sulla città e il più riservato habitat residenziale. Una spina di 12m articola il vasto e denso programma attraversando il sito da Nord a Sud.