Via della Marrana 94, 00181 Rome (Italy)

Play up! Play up! And Play the game!
Forte Portuense, Rome
“Play up! Play up! And play the game!” is a famous verse of the poem Vitaï Lampada written by Sir H.Newbolt. Imagine a peaceful siege of the Fort, where an active citizenry takes possession of a characterising part of the area to overturn its paradigm: war turns into a game.
The project is meant to preserve the solid landscape and turn the Fort into a urban space.
A walkable photovoltaic paving, backlit by LED technology, will cover the Piazza d’Armi.
The wide-open space of the Piazza will become a catalyst of energy and will attract activities, producing the sufficient amount of energy necessary to set in motion the elements placed on it.
The choice of the backlight suggests different visions of the night obtained through the modulation of the light sources in order to create interesting lights involving all or part of the pavemen; whereas, you can imagine that the sky mirrors on the night surface as it does during the day.