Via Filippo Civinini 69 Roma 00197

Barcelona - selected
WATER DRIFTS concernes the requalification of the district of Nazaret, in the city of Valencia (Spain). Nazaret used to be a little fishermen’s village which became part of the city, losing its original marine character. The project is based on the intention of giving back to its inhabitants the original bond with the sea. This is made by reintroducing as a project strategy some specific valuable historical elements such as the acequias de la huerta (ancient traditional water canals crossing the vegetables gardens). Those are meant to shape up the project’s guidelines by crossing the whole area while acquiring different forms (water canals, cloured trees and paths) which define the activity sections of the park.
The acequias, once they enter the city they become light blue trees and then go back to their water nature inside the park. This create a connection between the huerta, the vegetables gardens (huertos) and the city park.